The angular style and colors really make this pop! Great job!
The angular style and colors really make this pop! Great job!
This definitely feels more like a Newgrounds site skin for Christmas.
While I miss the carrot being down there on the snowman with BF and GF, I probably love this one more as a whole!
This reminds me of that image of a giant diglett under the earth using his fingers as a diglett on the surface.
The detail on it is insane! I love it!
Thanks dude :)
I wonder what happened to him?...
Looks good!
he dead!
thank you!!
This is what I look like when knee surgery is tomorrow.
While I rarely favorite NSFW artwork, if it's either in good taste or comedic, then yeah.
I do like this being a social experiment though.
:3 Looks good!
It reminds me of a certain Mad series, but I don't know which, maybe we'll never know.
XD I see it!
Joined on 4/8/23